May 11, 2007 17:56
I'm having mixed feelings about Ben right now.
I mean, I like him a lot. I might even love him.
But sometimes he annoys me.
He can be really insensitive, and non-chalant about things that are neccessary to be chalant about!
Although, whatever doubts I may have had before about him not really wanting me anymore, are gone. The tables have turned. He wants me more than I want him, I think. And it's not that I don't want him, because I do, he's just...more interested in the relationship than i am at the moment. Will we stay together when he goes to college? Who knows, he still hasn't talked to me about that yet.
On the other hand, he's very protective, and sweet, in his own i'm-going-to-be-really-mean-to-everyone-except-you kinda way. And I can't imagine not being with him.
You don't know what you've been missing until it arrives, eh?