Oh My!!!

Oct 12, 2011 20:33

My goodness it has been over a year since my last update. Well then, lets get some venting done :-) I love living in Destin. Its not home, its a transition. Its nice to know that I can be far away from my parents and still make it. I work at an Irish Bar called Johnny o Quigles and also Longhorn Steak house (yes I am aware that earns me my one way ticket to Hindu hell, alas i was bound to earn it someday). I have some really amazing friends here, but none of which can replace the ones I already have in my heart. I miss all the shenanigans we used to partake in. It's nice to know that no matter how far away my friends are, or how long we go without seeing or speaking to each other, it only takes a second to pick up where we left off. I feel lucky in that aspect.

The other day I served these really sweet middle aged men. After they paid up, they asked me if there was anything they could pray for me for. They were on there way to church and thought that I seemed like an amazing person and they wanted to do something for me. I was actually stunned, and in that moment of all the things I could have said, I was completely selfless. I couldnt think of anything that I needed or wanted. All I would think of were people less fortunate. Even I was stunned by my own thoughts.

I am taking a trip home in a few days to celebrate one week of me turning 25. Ugh...I really need to get that acting career in gear. Sadly people still think I look 16.

well thats the quick update. Any Questions? lol
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