Ali Feenstra: What does sin lead to?
You are now speaking with Tim of Ask a question.
Tim: How is it going? Do you have a question?
Ali Feenstra: Yes...I was wondering what sin leads to.
Tim: Im not sure what you are looking for.....sin definately doesnt lead to anything positive.
Ali Feenstra: Well, I read in my Bible that sin leads to death, but I'm having trouble renouncing my homosexual sex life.
Tim: are you a Christian?
Ali Feenstra: I would like to be, but I have some questions.
Tim: I saw that the website you came from was ripping on the Lust Free Living site....
Ali Feenstra: I think I was at the Lust Free Living I was in the FAQ section.
Tim: did you come to the LFL site from Ali Feenstra: No, what is that?
Tim: never mind...sorry
Tim: are having trouble knowing where your identity truly is
Tim: are you a Christian?
Ali Feenstra: Well, I was raised Christian
Tim: are you trying to get out of the homosexual lifestyle
Ali Feenstra: But I'm just having trouble reconciling my philosophy with Christ's philosophy
Ali Feenstra: No, I sort of like it, I think
Ali Feenstra: I mean, does Jesus have problems with that? How is it sinful?
Tim: i think that the best place to start is figuring out where your identity is...are you a child of God or are you a homosexual?
Tim: I know that first and foremost you are a child of God
Ali Feenstra: Why can't I be both?
Tim: the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong
Ali Feenstra: Isn't that sort of up for interpretation? I mean, the Bible also says that we should stone rebellious children and not eat pork and stuff.
Ali Feenstra: Tim?
Tim: i am not sure about stoning rebellious children and not eatting pork....i do know that the homosexual lifestyle does not lead to anything that is Christ like
Ali Feenstra: Like what? I mean, heterosexual people engage in sexual relations, too, don't they?
Tim: sex between a man and a wife is a wonderful thing. sex between homosexual people and heterosexual people cannot be compared.
Tim: Jesus love you....he just hates sin
Tim: does that make sense
Ali Feenstra: I think so...but why doesn't homosexual sex fall into the same "wonderful" category?
Ali Feenstra: I've tried both kinds, and find it to be quite the preferable option. Personal preference of course, though. Why would God give me these preferences if they are sinful?
Tim: homosexual sex is not what people were made for
Tim: do you want to get out of the homosexual lifestyle
Ali Feenstra: I just don't understand why it is sinful...I want to love Jesus (and vice versa), but I really like cunnilingus.
Tim: do you want to follow the Bible
Ali Feenstra: I want to follow God
Tim: do you think that Bible is truth
Ali Feenstra: I think God is truth, but the Bible seems a bit disreputable and outdated
Ali Feenstra: I'm not positive God wrote it, is all
Ali Feenstra: It's just that there's a lot of controversy...I'm not recalcitrant, and I'm really afraid to talk to anyone in my community
Tim: i know there is a lot of controversy about this topic. All I can go on is what the Bible says and what makes sense.
Tim: Homosexual people cannot produce a child. Heterosexual people can have a child.
Ali Feenstra: Well, it doesn't make sense to me - could you explain it to me?
Ali Feenstra: Is the only goal in life to have children?
Ali Feenstra: Having children doesn''t make me happy. Isn't happiness a goal as well? I'd like to be happy.
Tim: No....
Ali Feenstra: Tim?
Tim: Homosexuality is just like any other sin. Jesus looks at sin all the same.
Ali Feenstra: Why is love a sin? Why would God create me to love my girlfriend and then call me sinful? Didn't He make me this way?
Tim: You are a child of God and he didnt make you that way.
Ali Feenstra: Didn't God make all of us?
Ali Feenstra: And didn't he make me who I am?
Ali Feenstra: I've tried to renounce my homosexual ways. When I do, I am unhappy. Didn't God make me who I am and wanting to be happy?
Ali Feenstra: Tim?
Tim: one minute
Ali Feenstra: I'm going to girlfriend is here
Tim: good to talk with you
Tim: you can email me if you would like
Ali Feenstra: Maybe I will...thank you.