May 13, 2006 17:10
hours spent in school in the past week (not counting after-school affairs): 17.5
hours i have spent doing schoolwork in the past week (app.): 3
hours i have spent practicing in the past week (app.): 11
pages i have read [of salman rushdie's the ground beneath her feet]: 144
pages i have yet to read [see above]: 432
days i have in which to write my research paper on [see above] book: 5
times i have practiced scene for jill's class: 0
indian meals made: 1
senior projects passed: 1
hours spent at home in the past two days (not including sleep-time): 3
[above] (including sleep time): 17
times i fell asleep in cosi fan tutte (app.): 6
(subnote: sorry, mozart)
days until piano recital: 24
days until mother's day: 1
days left of school (see also: complete my secondary education; am finished with high school; am no longer tied or necessarily affiliated with my current institution; will potentially never see my high school teachers again; etc.): 17.5