Friend's Only NC-17 Posts

Oct 01, 2012 15:23

Hey, guess what? All porno one-shots are FLOCKED. NC-17 posts are reserved for registered LJ users over the age of 18. Minors are welcomed to friend, however NC-17 posts not available for viewing.

*All comments were unscreened because I'm a n00b, and don't get how to screen/unscreen comments. ^////^;; Apologizes. If you friend, more than likely I will message you asking for your age. If you do not reply, I will not add you either.

Friend`s Only NC-17
Comment to be added!
Warning! If you do not comment, I will not add you!

Very rarely is this journal F-LOCKED, however ALL NC-17 posts will be LOCKED-UP. If you wish to read them/be my friend, please comment below. If you do not comment on this entry, I wll not add you! It's nothing personal, it's just I don't want minors reading R+/NC-17 materials.

Of course, adding me simply because you want to be friends is acceptable too. ^////^;; Just please mention this in the comments. Also please give a reasonable explanation as to why you wanna be my friend. I'm just curious to see where you're from, and who will be reading this journal.

x. Respect all members/friends/users of this journal. .x
x. Treat others as you would like to be treated. .x
x. No vulgarities, foul language, or other non-sense. .x
x. Do not promote yourself, or your community. .x
x. Do not host/archive/link my work on other sites. .x
x. Do not add me only to drop me later. .x
x. All users who disobey rules will be banned. .x

!friend's only, !friend's only nc-17 post

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