okay well i guess i forgot to put pictures from the wedding up because thats where i was before i went to myrtle beach. soo we went to this wedding and it was really cool because we were around our family even though my cell phone didnt get service and i missed b-randon like crazy but thats okay i lived. anyway here are some lyrics from west side story to kind of get you in the wedding mood because they played this song and not only is it a really great song it reminds me of when me, jenny, and breann went to see the play together. anyway here you go...
I, Anton, take thee, Maria
I, Maria, take thee, Anton
For richer, for poorer
In sickness and in health
To love and to honor
To hold and to keep
From each sun to each moon
From tomorrow to tomorrow
From now to forever
Till death do us part
With this ring, I thee wed
With this ring, I thee wed
Make of our hands one hand,
Make of our hearts one heart,
Make of our vows one last vow:
Only death will part us now.
Make of our lives one life,
Day after day, one life.
Now it begins, now we start
One hand, one heart;
Even death won't part us now.
Make of our lives one life,
Day after day, one life.
Now it begins, now we start
One hand, one heart,
LEAHHHHH... is blinking... haha
ALL of the grandkids... well almost... like 2 are missing
my brother hates me so i forced him to take this picture with me
me, jennnnnnay and my cousin JESSSSICA
mmm group shot
haha i look pissed
haha me and leeeeeeeeeeeah
im straightening amber's hair... in my HOOTERS SHIRRTTT
HAHAHA i think my brother is trying to be sexy
annnnd now what you've all been waiting for... a picture of the newly weds!
super amounts of awww!!