i was looking at my friend kellie's xanga and i came across this girls xanga... i dont know her and the only thing i do know about her is her name is kim and i know how she feels right now. im going to leave the link here and alec danielle and jenny you guys ought to read it too. i know that when i read it i started to cry. it was really touching to me and i know the feelings that she was going through and i know you guys do too. read this... it will really get to you if you were close with breann. because i know it made me stop and think about everything thats happened.
http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=AreYouKiminMe if i havent told you how much i love you... well this is the time... i love every one of you so much and i dont know what id do without any of you.