Title: Seasons Gifter: candygramme Giftee: NoraWJ2 Rating: NC17 Pairing: J2 Word Count: 3,800 Warnings: schmoop Beta: My trusty and amazing spoonlessone Summary: The J's from season to season
I love all the descriptions. Very vivid. I can easily picture everything that's happening. Summer is hot hot hot and is my favorite vignette, followed by Fall. "Roses I tell you!" I can just picture that whole scene playing out.
I'm sorry I didn't read it before, but these last days have been hectic af. ALL THE FLUFF THO!! You did good choosing that line of telling, because with fluff one can never go wrong :)
I love the Spring part, with Jensen so grumpy and lovely. I adore their interactions and their bickering, and yeah. And can we talk about shotgunning please. I just. I died.
You know, with sweet love? Never fear to go wrong! :D Thank you for the fic, and Merry Christmas ♡
So beautifully written! I'd have to say that your love for the boys rivals mine! I wish I could express the feelings I have for them as you just have! So sweet, snarky, funny, sexy, honest, and damn hot too! Kudos!
Comments 11
I'm sorry I didn't read it before, but these last days have been hectic af.
ALL THE FLUFF THO!! You did good choosing that line of telling, because with fluff one can never go wrong :)
I love the Spring part, with Jensen so grumpy and lovely. I adore their interactions and their bickering, and yeah.
And can we talk about shotgunning please. I just. I died.
You know, with sweet love? Never fear to go wrong! :D
Thank you for the fic, and Merry Christmas ♡
Merry Christmas. I'm so glad you liked.
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