January and February were both totally without any events to speak of. Somehow I seem to have everything packed into March. I'm not sure how I managed that, but at least there will be fun, I hope.
Burbank con was beyond amazing. I love going to the cons for the joy of meeting up with people I don't see at any other time. Everyone was on form, and I had a blast quite apart from the guests. It was awesome to catch up with friends from Australia, Germany and the UK as well as the North American folks I know and love.
The guests at the con were terrific too. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, and the J's were especially lively. I even got a photo with the two of them where I look halfway human - this doesn't happen very often!
Yesterday I had my birthday, and the weekend was filled with family. This Wednesday I am due to go and get my right eyeball polished and reinserted. I am not looking forward to that, but I am hoping that it will help me see properly again. I've been peering through lace curtains for a couple of years now, and I'm told that cataract removal is a really routine procedure. I hope that they're right. *shudder*
At the end of the month I get to go to Portland for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to that. For those that know him and love him, Peter Wingfield (Methos) has always been very friendly and positive for his fans. He recently retired from acting to go back to medical school and complete his medical degree. He's having a gathering of his fanclub, which I think may well be the last one ever. It's in Portland, which I love, and I am going. I am hoping that there might be a little Kane action too. Fingers crossed.
I'm writing, and almost done one story which I think is rather ugly but wanted to be written, before I buckle down and finish up my Big Bang. At least the words are flowing at the moment. This is good, because last year they really weren't.
So that's it from me. What have you all been doing?