Nov 03, 2004 19:44
During the election on nbc, there was a commercial that featured a smiling man standing in front of an entirely red map of the united states. I wanted to kill someone.
Mary and I had been to Ohio before and I thought there was no way it would vote for Kerry. It wouldn't surprise me if Kerry had lost to write-in 'Eisenhower' votes there, it's so 1950esque... well except for the fact that they don't have any jobs.
Got an e-mail from my birth mother in California, congratulating me on living in a blue state.
I must admit I was somewhat prepared for this. Music sucks these days. TV sucks these days. Art sucks these days. Movies suck these days. Even the commercials suck... before they were cheerful bright little ads using primary colors for our crappy little tvs and they were blissfully unsophisticated. Now every commercial is some computer generated mess of floating images and long legal explanations. Somebody has to like all this schlock. It must be that mess of people that live in almost every state between here and Cali.
I fully expect that there is Karl Rove trickery behind this win. I doubt that Florida was as Bush-loving as we were told if only from the reports I heard about Philadelphia. All sorts of Republican tricks where attempted in Philly (they tried to relocate the polls in tradionally black democrat districts)... tricks that came to light here in a democrat-dominated city, but probably could be more easily employed in a more southerly enviroment. If even a fraction of all the Karl Rove (called "the Architect" by W in his speech today... hmmmm, is that a mason thing or a matrix thing, George?) stories I've heard are true, I can't see how he could've resisted noodling around with our right to vote. Many of these GOPs were in their party during the Nixon years and I think the only lesson they learned from then is "don't get caught". Karl and the boys were seen relaxing around 9pm last night, according to nbc. I know they probably have people at all the polling places, but it was well before votes were even starting to get counted in Ohio. But Kerry conceded so what does it matter. We'll probably not hear anything.
I've been into this band the Handsome Family recently. Their songs are either about death or insanity or drinking. I got it from friends in Ohio (my friend Roger said that he's going to cheer against every Ohio team. I told him that Lebron is the new Kobe) and I'm completely immersed. After a day of moping through the workplace with crazed conspirical thoughts in my head, it calmed me down to hear songs about dying girls cutting off all their hair and that what get's built up will fall down. Stereolab too has a song that brings comfort... if there is a way to build it, there'll be a way to destroy it. Just like there have been worse disasters than 9/11, there were worse times before the Bushes came. And it all has to end someday... right?