The Esoteric Allure of Brian Molko

Jun 01, 2008 02:09

The Esoteric Allure of Brian Molko Written by Candice Lewis

Esoteric: 1 a: designed for or understood by the specially intiated alone b: requiring or exhibiting knowledge that is restricted to a small group; difficult to understand 2 a: limited to a small circle b: private, confidential 3: of special, rare, or unusual interest

Brian Molko much like the lyrics of his band Placebo's Special K...  (Coming up beyond belief
On this coronary thief
More than just a white motif
More chaotic, no relief
I'll describe the way I feel
Weeping wounds that never heal
Can the savior be for real
Or are you just my seventh seal?

No hesitation, no delay
You come on just like special K
Just like I swallowed half my stash
I never ever want to crash
No hesitation, no delay
You come on just like special K
Now you're back with dope demand
I'm on sinking sand
No escaping gravity
No escaping... not for free
I fall down... hit the ground
Make a heavy sound
Every time you seem to come around

I'll describe the way I feel
You're my new Achilles heel
Can this savior be for real
Or are you just my seventh seal?

No hesitation, no delay
You come on just like special K
Just like I swallowed half my stash
I never ever want to crash
No hesitation, no delay
You come on just like special K
Now you're back with dope demand
I'm on sinking sand
No escaping gravity
No escaping... not for free
I fall down... hit the ground
Make a heavy sound
Every time you seem to come around

No escaping gravity
No escaping gravity
No escaping gravity
No escaping gravity
Gravity [x4])Very much comes on to all of us without any hesitation or delay trapping us in a timeless moment, forcing us to abandon our preconceived notions of what a man is. Mr. Molko with his definitive, effective, all to honest lyrics, whispers in our ears a little secret and then leaves us in heat of the moment gasping for more. What exactly is this secret, this esoteric attraction that seems to make even the most manly of men question (or super lesbian's question their sexuality) their sexual preference? More importantly...just who is Brian Molko for those who are outside of Mr. Molko's circle of fans. (*Please forgive the lack of a lj-cut forcing my piece to be seen in it's entirety but when I tried to edit it, it lost it's format which I wasn't willing to lose*)

Brian Molko was born December 10, 1972 (Thank you in Belgium to an American international banker father of French-Italian heritage and a Scottish mother, Brian's family moved frequently during his childhood including spells in Scotland, Liberia, Lebanon and Luxembourg. Brian has referred to a period spent in his mother's home town of Dundee, Scotland as "where I grew up". He describes his childhood as a period when he felt very lonely and alienated; his first performing experiences were through acting in a school drama theater. While Brian was brought up in a strict household that disapproved of artistic expression (his father wanted him to become a banker) he rebelled by affecting an androgynous image, wearing nail polish, lipstick and eyeliner, and listening to punk. In his late teens, he came out as bisexual. Brian initially attended the European School of Luxembourg but had to leave due to excessive bullying; he later attended the American International School of Luxembourg and went on to study drama at Goldsmiths College in London. He formed a band called Ashtray Heart. Brian Molko aligned with Stefan Olsdal (whom he went to school but was not a friend of then) and then came along drummer Steve Hewitt. When the holy threesome (*lights a candle*-this will only have meaning to one person who reads this) formed Placebo, well magic happened and the world had this mysterious, very sexy, confused, pretty, handsome young man unleashed upon it!

History lesson is over. To those in the know remember exactly or close to it at least, the first time or when they became aware of Brian's existence. Some found his voice entrancing, different and unique. Still others found the combination of both his sexual wailings and confusing looks unfathomably undeniable. They became instant fans, doomed to obsess over Placebo's music and Brian's sexuality. This Brian was special and rare back in 1996. Grunge had long faded away and Kurt Cobain was sadly resting in peace somewhere probably aghast at the remnants of what passed for rock music. To those who were old enough to remember Boy George from British pop band Culture Club more than a decade ago earlier remember the same type of reaction from the music loving public. The what the f? and Is that a boy or girl?? pushed the raw driving sound of Placebo into the background where it did not deserve to be.  The original androgynous icon himself, David Bowie knows all too well what it was like to recieved as an alien, something to be desired, fancied, hated, misunderstood and worshiped. Every icon that is sexually wanted, (if they didn't exist, they would need to be invented by the minds of people in search for anything to fill that void for something to  make them feel) develops a cult following ie a small group alone that  knows and values this God. As more people begin to discover who this icon is, the more protective and even possessive the once small group becomes. To anyone who questions what Brian Molko is about, the long time fan might say "Brian is an aquired taste, he's like heroin or crack, almost impossible to get of your system. I couldn't try if I could. He LIVES inside me!" To an outsider who's never heard one single song from Placebo, stood in line at a Placebo concert, had fantasies of encounters with Brian or ever talked for hours on end to other Brian fanatics, Mr. Molko's allure is very esoteric indeed. Or is it? After all even the hardcore fans knew a time when they didn't know Brian existed and once they saw a picture of him, a video or heard his voice, found their brain chemistry (and hearts) changed in part.

Brian wrote a song called Nancy Boy from their self entitled album that is so incredibly Placebo and is very telling in what his other lyrics are like in a lot of ways:
Does his makeup in his room
douse himself with cheap perfume
eye holes in a paper bag
greatest lay I ever had
kind of guy who mates for life
gotta help him find a wife
we're a couple, when our bodies double.

And it all breaks down at the role reversal
got the muse in my head she's universal,
spinnin' me round she's coming over me.
And it all breaks down at the first rehearsal,
got the muse in my head she's universal,
spinnin' me round she's coming over me.

Nancy Boy is british slang for a girly boy, a boy who some would just look at and think was homosexual.  They also perhaps even think this boy was a girl. The term never goes into the very curious feelings that are stirred up inside people who see this type of boy on the street, in a bookstore, a cafe, in a magazine or album cover...Brian Molko's fans have at times become worried especially if they basically define themselves as straight, that they can't help but be attracted to this strangely seductive sexually hypnotizing man. The ones who don't give a fuck even if they are finding themselves wishing Mr. Molko was their best friend with benefits might still think to themselves at times, What is it about the Brian that just does it for me??

The different stages of Brian Molko's Attraction to the masses

Sexy Boy... or

Strangely enticing Girl??

Both handsome and beautiful

   Androgyny takes a brief vacation..

One day in 1998, an unsuspecting me sat idly watching a video music channel rather bored. I was sick of the same old shit that infiltrated this channel as well as Mtv which wasn't even about the music videos anymore. The only thing interesting I had seen was Korn's Got the Life video and some amusing pop videos. Suddenly I hear these jarring guitar chords and some drums kick in. I looked up to see Placebo's Pure Morning video.

image Click to view

My jaw dropped, my eyes locked upon this...umm girl or was it a boy?? No matter what it was, I was utterly hypnotized by the vision of both beauty and handsome features displayed by this singer. Even though I wasn't in love with the voice (I soon would be), the demeanor, the stance, the style, the honesty, the entire being of this creature on the screen in front of me completely captivated me. It has ever since! I consider myself to be pretty much lesbian with some bisexual tendecies. I find myself extremely attracted to The Brian because of his non conformist appearance, attitude, beauty and yes his male uncensored sexuality. Sometimes when I think I have pinpointed the mystery behind what it is that exactly draws me to Brian Molko, I shake my head and think "No...that's not it at all, it's something else entirely..I think!" To Mr. Molko's legion of hardcore to casual fans, the secret lies within each one of us. He sneaks in, seduces and has his way with the parts of us that allow him to. To some he's the cool best friend they wish they always had, the different outspoken devil may care rocker. To another he's the ultimate fantasy, a open minded, sexually experimental person who they can project upon as they wish. Whether he's the husband, boyfriend, lover, best friend, brother (Don't ask), etc, Brian is literally all things to all  people at different stages in their lives. In fact I dare you...yes, YOU to view this Placebo video Taste in Men and not find something that draws you into it.

image Click to view

On his own appearance, Brian said, "I feel very comfortable with the way I look, and I feel very comfortable with the kind of confusion that it creates in people's minds"

On the matter of desire, he spoke openly, "I believe very strongly that when it comes to desire, when it comes to attraction, that things are never black and white, things are very much shades of grey"

An early quote of Brian tellingly says, "I'm continually surprised by the amount of people I wind up. For many guys, I'm the faggot their girlfriend fancies"

Brian told it like it is on the matter of his personal sexuality and how he knowingly played upon his Nancy Boy looks early in his career. "My sexuality is very fluid but it's very real. I have had confusing and contradicting emotions since I have awakened sexually, and it's something that I have come to terms with and that I have manage to live with in a very positive way. I have never been a homophobic person and one of the reasons I stopped going to church, because my mother used to take me to church a lot, was because of the church's attitude to homosexuality. I just enjoy fucking with people's heads. For the first half of our gigs, there's normally some guy convinced I'm a girl, and a pretty cute one at that. As the gig continues, it begins to dawn on him that I'm a bloke, and suddenly he has to ask himself some serious questions"

There you have it, straight from the horses mouth so to speak. A big part of Brian's appeal, his allure, is his flaws, his fears, his very human side because we can relate to it! Some of us have the same exact fears, the same disillusionment with society's continued small mindedness of gay/les/bi/trans or religious hijacking of what should be a person's inherent right to free thought or speech. Interestingly enough despite Brian's stance against religion as a whole, he continues to have religious inspired lyrics and images in Placebo's music. Looks like his mother's (who influenced him in such a strong way) indoctrination is likely to be reflected in his music for some time to come.

Mr. Molko's allure sinks into our flesh and permeates our conscience minds...whether we want the penetration or not. As I once mused to a fellow Brian disciple, "We are Bri-sexuals"

So, this once small club of people who thought they only understood the secret behind Brian Molko's assault on their eyes and ears is a secret society no more. Literally millions in every country around the globe are Placebo fans and thankful that Mr. Molko exists. Does it really matter his appeal is a mystery to some while to others it makes absolute perfect sense?? To the uninitiated, Brian is an enigma that somehow confounds their sense of direction. He is very much a misdirection.
To us, the fans, he speaks our language. Brian Molko's Esoteric Allure is this in my humble opinion and observings over the past decade: Mr. Molko has his hand so lovingly upon our throats slowly depriving of us years of conditioning thrust upon us forcing us to let go of small ideals. We start to gasp almost fighting against his indifference, his uniqueness. His hand is in a special place nursing us, taking care of us and taking us to a special place in our heads. We hear and feel..The role reversal that comes on without hesitation or delay, that softly whispers in our ears, every sky is blue, but not for me and you. We peer into his blue eyes, we choke back the words, 4 7 2 3 9 8 5 - I gotta breathe to stay alive, and 1 4 2 9 7 8 - feels like I'm gonna suffocate. In this matrix, it's plain to see, it's either you or me. We feel his grasp upon our throats (our minds and senses) further tightening. I know, you cut me loose from contradiction, I know, I'm all wrapped up in sweet attrition. I know, it's asking for your benediction... Still, It's in your reach! Brian's scratchy voice implores you.. concentrate If you deny this, Then it's your fault! Colors fade, things go to black and white. Gasping, choking, writhing, delighting, reaching your standing all the while all the neurons in your oxygen starved cortex, scream..Come back to me awhile, Change your style again, Come back to me awhile Change your taste in men...Release and let go your ideas about what a man should be, look or act. Find a place in your heart for someone like me and fuck those normal men! Your sweet prince's voice echoes, almost a memory now floating above you...It's far too sacred Don't ever fake it
And don't, and don't, and don't let me down. As you almost fade into nothingness, your explosion shakes every molecule inside you and you come alive again!

You know what the best part is about the whole orgasmic experience? He allows us to penetrate him and the role reversal continues as long as we want it to. You come awaywith only one idea about The Esoteric Allure of Brian Molko. The Cult of Brian still lives on whether you agree with it or think it's blind devotion. Dangerous even and silly in some respects to some. Is another human being you will probably never meet yet touches your life and who's music has made a difference to you silly? It's  really not so secret or mysterious. It's not so hard to understand! Fuck the mystery, screw the elitism, Brian Molko whether he's beautiful, handsome, seductive, ugly, charismatic, weird, unattainable, intellectually orgasmic, the simple plain fact points to one thing, Brian Molko is special and we can't get enough of him...

To send me responses directly please contact me at to

I have started since I originally wrote this article, a internet RADIO SHOW dedicated completely to Placebo along with my partner Mariela called, "PLACEBO RADIO" It can be found on the very popular at this link:
This internet radio show is dedicated the best band in the world, Placebo!!! Obviously! ;) Throughout the duration of this show, we will play and discuss Placebo's music, talk to fellow devoted fans, and express the details of Placebo Addiction. Please join us in discussing a band we truly love to obsess over and adore. Every Monday night at 9 pm est. Listeners have two choices to call in to participate. Make requests, dedications and just talk to us about what Placebo means to them. The first way is to call our permanent show number (347) 308-8090. If you cannot call into that number or live outside of the United States you CAN still join us live by clicking on the "click to talk" button when the show is live! All you need is a computer microphone or headset! So anyone from Mexico, France, Italy etc etc can join us and talk to us about their love for Placebo!! All shows are recorded so you can play it back on the site whenever you like or put it on your page! Shows can also be downloaded! Here is one of our most recent shows..
Dedicated to the awesome and inspiring Brian Molko, Stefan Olsdal, Steve Hewitt, the special shared experiences with Brian fans, the myspace Brian fans, the loads of Placebo websites, and Finally, a special shout out to Zac who so lovingly recorded the following for me. LOVE YOU ALL!

Immortal Designs/A Holy 3some production© 2008

the cure, molko, stefan olsdal, steve hewitt, brian molko, placebo, david bowie

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