Going like it always does

Apr 02, 2016 13:12

I have signed up for Jukebox 2016. So far I've only matched on the same one twice and it's kind of near the bottom of my list of desired requests. :/

I won't complain about not matching on more than that though, I see other requests and I'm fairly sure it's probably that persons entire list that hasn't matched. Still early days. It's a really folk heavy list of songs this year and I'm so off folk right now. I've made offers for what I think I can write (none folk), if I got an answer to my question then I'd have more offers to make.

EDIT. Question answered. Negatory on the more offers.

Post EDIT edit: None of my offers have matched, this concerns me more than one match for my requests. I do not want to change my offers to things I have little to no confidence writing. I think I'd rather delete the whole sign up than write for a song I'm disconnected from. :(

New post EDIT edit edit: So I added one more offer to something I think I can write in the requestors zone of interest. W00t for one match!

jukebox, i should go back to bed, writing, writer's anxiety

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