Oct 25, 2015 13:53
Ugh, body why do you do this every month? I hate you! I also side eye every comment made to me online and in real life so... *headdesk*
I got my Jukebox story back from beta, thank you lovely beta! Unfortunately it was done in MS Word, I don't have Word and the only compatible programme is playing merry hell with the comments portion.
Le sigh.
The feedback that I can read is excellent and has inspired me to burn the story to the ground and rebuild it, Million Dollar Man style; it will be stronger, faster, and more awesome than the original.
I need to do significant work on the characters, world building, cut two scenes, flesh out the remaining one, and just generally get my shit together in terms of my English language skills. I don't know how I've made it through life so long with a love of writing but only the barest understanding of formal sentence structure and grammar. That's the New Zealand education system at it's finest though; the cracks are so wide a building could fall through them.
The timing conflicts with NaNo so project Jukebox is being sidelined until later in the year or next year now.
Yuletide is a definite no go now. I can't trust myself to produce a work of quality for it. I can't see anyone wanting to write my requested fandoms. I do not like pinch hit fulfilments, they don't have the same sparkle as a story from someone in love with the fandom.
So I am tempted to go from "Planning" NaNo to "Pantsing" NaNo because the planning side is going against my nature as a spontaneous writer who makes it up as she goes.
Pantsing. Heh.