I've been working on my course schedule all day. I really need to take my studies seriously right now if I'm going to graduate before July 31, 2008. (That's what I was talking about in my previous post which was only in Finnish. Sorry about that.) Here's a preliminary version of my schedule for this fall:
10-12 Japanese Grammar (12.9. ->) / Ohjelmistotuotanto (=Software Engineering) (5.9.-13.10.)
These two courses clash, need to skip Software Engineering on Mondays...
12-14 Tietokoneen rakenne (=Computer Architecture) (5.9.-11.10)
14-16 Introduction to Assyro-Babylonian mythology (3.10. ->)
16-18 Exercises in Akkadian grammar (3.10. ->) if prof. Parpola lets me take this course after last year's fiasco...
10-12 Länsimaisen kulttuurin juuret (=Roots of Western Culture) (don't know about this, mainly interested in it because Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila is the lecturer.)
12-14 Tietokoneen rakenne (=Computer Architecture) (5.9.-11.10)
14-16 Japanese (6.9. ->)
10-12 Tietokoneen rakenne (=Computer Architecture) (12.9.-14.10)
12-14 Itä-Aasian maat ja kansat (=Peoples and countries of Eastern Asia) (2.11.-7.12.)
14-16 Ohjelmistotuotanto (=Software Engineering) (5.9.-13.10.)
10-12 Japanese (6.9. ->)
12-14 Itä-Aasian maat ja kansat (=Peoples and countries of Eastern Asia) (2.11.-7.12.)
14-16 Ohjelmistotuotanto (=Software Engineering) (5.9.-13.10.)
9-17 Work
I'd also like to take the course Introductory Sumerian, but it clashes with Japanese on Mondays. I don't think prof. Parpola will let me take that course if I can only attend half of the classes. I bet he won't be to keen on rearranging the schedule either, because he already did that last year because of me, and then I quit. Oops.