I'm getting more and more worried each day. It seems racism and hate are growing in America, as people are afraid Obama might really win the elections.
From David Zucker (director of The Naked Gun) comes a movie called
An American Carol. Now, I have enjoyed Zucker's movies a lot, but this film sound so bad, at first I couldn't believe it was true.
I read a synopsis of it, written by
Kathleen Parker, who thinks Zucker deserves a Nobel Prize because the movies is so good. Gee, I didn't know they gave Nobel War Prizes...
The movie supports the war in Iraq by making ridiculous claims how everything would have gone wrong if America had stayed out of wars. Unsurprisingly,
most of the cast are republicans.
The main plot is to make fun of Michael Moore, or "Michael Malone" as he is called in the film. Here's how Kathleen Parker describes the movie:
"Malone, brilliantly played by [Kevin P.] Farley, has joined forces with a left-wing group, MoveAlong.org, to ban the Fourth of July. He also has been hired by terrorists to make a propaganda film to help recruit a diminishing supply of suicide bombers.
And you thought suicide bombers weren’t funny.
The joke begins when two would-be terrorists enter a New York City subway station and are met at a security checkpoint by two NYPD officers. Just as they’re about to be searched, in rushes a squad of ACLU [
American Civil Liberties Union] attorneys with a stop-search order.
“Thank Allah for the ACLU,” says one of the terrorists - and we’re off!
The vignettes keep coming so fast, it’s hard to keep up.
One memorable scene has “Rosie O’Connell” appearing on The O’Reilly Factor to promote her new documentary, The Truth About Radical Christians. The documentary shows two priests who hijack an airplane and storm the cockpit brandishing crucifixes. Next, we see two nuns festooned with explosives boarding a bus as passengers shout: “Oh no! Not the Christians!”
Another standout has Patton’s ghost showing Malone a modern-day plantation full of happy cotton pickers who thank Malone for being such a humane slave owner. Malone staggers at the sight only to learn that this is his plantation and these are his slaves - thanks to anti-war sentiment that prevented the Civil War.
In a line that filmmakers are still debating whether to cut, a smiling Gary Coleman finishes polishing a car and tosses his rag to someone: “Hey, Barack!”
No, he didn’t say that. Yes. He. Did.
Zucker insists he needn’t be taken seriously, but he does believe that Islamist terrorism poses a greater threat than those Americans typically demonized by Hollywood and the Left.
For delivering that message, maybe Zucker deserves not an Oscar, but a Nobel Prize."
I think the biggest threat to our security is that so many people automatically think "terrorist" when they hear "muslim". The backlash against equality seems to just grow bigger. :(
I heard about the movie from Feministe:
The stupid, it burnsThey have a couple of other recent posts about racism in the US:
The Mortgage Crisis: Blame the Brown and Black PeoplePaying Poor Women for Sterilization Click to view