Dec 17, 2011 13:02
So for months I've been having joint pain. I've been saying that I feel like something is wrong and trying to get people to listen. So pretty much in the last few weeks the shit has hit the fan health wise and I'm really ill.
Its looking like something is seriously wrong. My legs are swollen. I have this excrutiating pain in my left back/abdomin area. I thought for sure it was a kidney stone, it hurts that bad and makes me double over in pain. My pulse rate has been up from the pain. I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm retaining so much water, last week I weighed 124, this week 145. I don't even want to look at the scale.
The theory is that it is an auto immune disease like Lupus or something. I've been to the ER twice this week, and they know something is wrong, they just can't do anything but make sure my life is not in immediate danger and control the pain. They have been so nice and doing extra testing so I have it for my rheumetologist visit next week.
I wasn't scared, but now I am.