Feb 08, 2010 00:52

You'll never guess what happened to me today!!!

So, as you already know we've been having really bad snow storms here in South Jersey.  Really bad.  Very bad.  Very very bad.

Just this past Friday into Saturday the world plopped a couple feet of snow on us.  And the great administration in my district didn't bother to plow the roads until well after it was over.  And then they neglected to salt it.


I had my dad drive me in to work the first day, but today it was sunny and nice out so I took myself.  In "slip in slide" (Ms. Geo Prism herself.)

So I rode in low gear, went slowly, waited forever for people to not be coming down the road to make my turn.


I went to merge at this one corner after making sure for about forever that no one was coming.  So I slowly rounded the corner, then my back end slid, then my whole car slid and my rear end went around the front and then!


So I was like "Oh o.o;"  And went sliiiiiiiiiiiiiide flooosh!  into the snow bank.  And I was like "Oh that could have been a lot worse XD"  So I went to back out, then I realised how -hard- I had actually flown into the snow drift.

I put on my blinkers after I couldn't get out and got ready to call my parents.  Most of the people who saw me do it were like "Oh, that's too bad" and went around me, lol.  The person who even lived in the house I crashed infront of went inside and didn't even do so much as call the police to help me get out.

By the way my back end was facing traffic, so people had to -drive around me.-  And those fuckers couldn't stop to see if I was alright?!?!?!

This one guy, though, who saw it happen ran over to see if I was okay.  Then he helped me get out of the snow.  I was in the middle of calling my parents when it happened, and I let them know I was okay.  But my dad still decided to go gung ho and try to track me down ;p

So to that annonymous good samaritan, thank you very much for helping me!

To everyone else, what the fuck is your problem!? >:l

I'm so thankful to have no been hurt.  The Geo was unscathed, but her antena broke off -.-  Thank goodness there wasn't a curb or a rock or a car under that snow bank I flew into.

And all I can say is...


snow, omg!, weather

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