Is this email legit?

Sep 06, 2011 21:04

I originally posted this to AB, but it got rejected because it's not specifically about art. They said to post it in fursuit lounge, which has closed memembership. So while I'm waiting to get accepted there, I'm going to post it here for everyone:

Are other people getting this email too?

"Hi everyone,

I know some of you have heard about this already, but I wanted to reach out to more of you to let you know of an exciting opportunity. I work at an Emmy-award winning production company, and we are producing a one-hour episode of an acclaimed documentary series for a major cable network about furries. The documentary will focus on two to three different furries. It's a follow-doc style, so it's meant to see a real slice of the life of a furry.

Some of you have expressed concern that other media representations of furries in the past focused solely on the sexual parts of it. I understand that sexuality accounts for only a small percentage of your culture, and we are absolutely NOT making the focus of this documentary about sex. This is about life, and the exploration of a popular trend and lifestyle that's emerging in today's society.

For years Hollywood has perpetuated a myth about furry fandom and we are here to correct the misconceptions. There will be no exploiting or anything disrespectful about this documentary. We believe that education stops discrimination and we need to find someone who speak the truth about the culture.

I hope this clears some confusion and apprehension up on what our intention is with this documentary. I'd love to find people who want to participate, so if you are interested you can send an email to

Please include your name, age , fursona, story and any photos of you in your fursuit.
To find out more about our company visit our website:"

Can you guys clear up for me, who is this "everyone" they addressed this email to? How did they get my email address for this? Why isn't this project mentioned on the linked website? Why did it come from "" and not from " (I googled the name "furdom casting" and I got a link to an empty LJ account. This raises questions about affiliations.)

There are also concerns that I doubt youill be able to answer for me, but I want to bring them up incase anyone is interested in this:

How will our submitted photos be used? Where/how is the project going to be conducted?  Is it actually affiliated with the company (who based on what they're casting for at the moment might actually be more concerned with our sex and sensationalist parts of our lives) or is it being done by someone who just -works- for the company?  What sort of furries are they looking for (artists? furry lifestylists?) Where will this documentary be aired and how will it be edited (as in, if they're supposedly not focusing on the sex, what -is- the focus?) Time span? Compensation?

Has anyone sent a reply email to this?


huh?, stfu random weirdos

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