stolen meme

Jan 27, 2008 17:54

Ideas. Where the hell do they come from? Can you make those little frakkers show up?

Music. Every freaking story I've ever thought up comes from music. It's insane, but true. I swear the other day I was listening (not by choice, mind you) to some 40's hick country, twangy thang & next thing you know I'm plotting out an epic fanfic, all based on one little verse. Try me. I challenge you to give me the most obscure, stupid, retarted song & I'll give you a story idea for it. lol.

Wild horse-bunnies. When a story just gets pulled right out of you. Do you get them?


Writer's block. Have you been scourged?

In the past, yes. The last year or I haven't been blocked at all and have in fatc written multiple stories in my head. But, when it comes to the actual writing, it just seems like so much work...

Clean up duty. Do you like editing?

Hell NO. I do NOT like reading my own work. In fact, I abhor it. Thank GOD for betas and spell-check.

The ending. Is it hard for you to find the ending?

Honey, it's hard for me to write enough to actually get TO the ending. It's not a problem of not knowing what the ending will (was supposed to) be, cuz that was all thought out before-hand.

The title. Where do you get yours? Do you have yours when you start the story?

Typically, my titles come from songs and I almost always have a title before I even have a plot. I thinks that's why I'm having so much trouble with my current fic project, it's half written but doesn't have a title. Poor little bugger... Probably doesn't feel loved....

Plot. If you plot out your stories first, raise your hand.

Dude. I am the plot MASTER. I do not write fics, I plot them. Want an avtual fic, talk to Firesong or Wildsky. Want a plot, drop me a line. I have gazillions.

POV. How do you choose your POV for a scene? For a story?

Just depends. It's easiest for me to write 1st person, but that doesn't always work for a story, or plot.

Challenge. Do you like them? Do they inspire you?

heh. yeah, you might say that...

Sex. Do you like writing sex?

I've yet to try! think it might be fun tho! ;)


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