Chicken Jack

Nov 30, 2009 23:30

“If you EVER do something that stupid again you will be on decaf for the rest of my life!” Ianto was scolding the chicken when Tosh opened the door to Jack’s office.

“You realize he is a chicken right Ianto?” she said carefully

“Oh he understands me, I saw the look of horror on his little chicken face when I told him he wasn’t getting sex for a week.” Ianto told her, still glaring at the chicken. “Although since it is a hen and not a rooster maybe I should say her face.”

“Is there anything I can help you with or get you?” Tosh asked

“No I’m fine. Thanks though.” Ianto replied.

“Are you sure that that chicken is Jack though, from what you said there were quite a few there.”

“Oh it’s definitely Jack.” Ianto told her. “He’s tried to stick his wing down my trousers three times already.”

Sequel: The Before and After

gwen cooper, pg-13, owen harper, ianto jones, toshiko sato, torchwood, jack harkness, fanfic

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