Aug 27, 2005 11:40
Hey, sry I havent updated in a while* ( I should write in here everyday)
welp.....Ive started playin volleyball* Its pretty fun* but the best part about it is all the hott guys that were at the highschool Thursday!* LoL* ;)
Yesterday- I woke up and got ready for school then went there and come home, Got ready for the football game and then Kacey called and asked me If I would go to the bowlin alley with her and so I did* There wasnt really anyone there but it was still fun!* (Jay was there) yay!* He is soo SEXY!!!!!!!* LoL* yepp!* Im crazy!*
okay well.....this is like the first time I have had to write about my friendz so....Well...My bestfriend (brittany) is mad at me cuz of her boyfriend Josh* and Im sorry about flirtin with him* He flirts with me too* and Im not the only one who flirts with him* I wont mention any name(cough cough) TIFFANI* yeah well....I dont like to fight over boyz* I think friends comes before boyz* but I guess* I hope If brittany reads this (She will forgive me)* Im sorry* :( * So.....right now Im bored and Im talkin to Joseph* Im gettin ready to go to the tannin bed and then Im goin to get my nails done!* I cant wait* LoL* yall leave me a comment!*
Luv ya,
-Mizz Candybrea*