Feb 11, 2008 00:02

NAME: Celi :O
AGE: 18
EXPERIENCE: I've read up to volume 23ish something of Bleach and have seen up to ep 80-90 something (darn those Bleach fillers DX)
AIM - hardcoreluki
YIM - hardcoreluki
MSN - hardcoreluki@yahoo.com
E-mail- confuzzled_kitti@yahoo.com
AVAILABILITY: I dropped a BUNCH of rps so hopefully, it'll be everyday. However, I might get a job soon but I don't plan to work more than eight hours a day for four days (if possible) so I'll still be available often.
CHARACTER: Kusajishi Yachiru
CHARACTER NAME IN RPG: Yachiru Kusajishi (unless you want this to change)
SERIES: Bleach
AGE: About one though she can't remember much in the first month.
MENTAL AGE: About eight-ten years. A little kids mindset pretty much.
SEXUALITY: Little kids don't normally care about "cooties" and Yachiru is the same way. But just in case, if she happens to develop a crush for some reason, it probably wouldn't matter which sex it is. Just saying that it would take a lot for her to like someone that way in the first place.
RACE: Female.
LOCATION: Liberty by her own choice
APPEARANCE: It is pretty much impossible to tell whether she is a reploid or a human based on appearance as she is very human-like. The only thing that makes her robot like are the joint lines but they are always covered. She stands at109 cm (3' 7") in height, and 15.5 kg (34.2 lbs) in weight. Her small frame makes it apparent that her mental age also fits her appearance. Her eyes are a maroon/fuschia color and her hair a light easter pink that flips outwards at her shoulders. Her cheeks are always pink as well. Skin color is a fair white, and she always wears long sleeves on shirts, stockings and/or long pants, and a skirt.
PERSONALITY: She's carefree and rude, and very much like a child who does what she wants. She acts spoiled, loves to eat sweets, and if she doesn't get her way, her angry side shews up. Normally, however, she's bouncy, cheerful, silly, loves to make fun, cute, adorable, and overall too sweet for words. Double sided, perhaps.
ABILITIES: She has enhanced speed and strength, but moreso with speed. She's very fast and it's pretty much impossible for a normal human to catch up to her without some kind of assitance such as a moving vehicle. If she was to pick up a sword, she'd be able to handle it well but would not be as good with a gun or any other kind of weapon unless they are similar to the sword. Even so, she would not be as talented. However, aside from her speed, she won't use any of this unless she's angry and/or provoked.
WEAKNESSES: Physically, she's small so it shouldn't be too hard to cause damage if she is caught so her defense is low. And though her strength is increased than the normal human, it isn't by that much so powerhouses could beat her in a contest of strength (unless we find out more about her character, and possibly upgrades might be added on?) Also, she's relatively clueless to what is going on in the world, and could care less so she could get into situations that can get real sticky. And reploids are tend to errors so that's also to add into the mix.
WEAPONS: She carries a sword with her but she hardly ever uses and is more like a toy. It even has wheels on the scabbard so she can carry it around. However, she can weild it if neccessary.
ALLIANCE: She really could care less about which side she's on. All she likes is to watch a good fight. If a side must be taken, she'll take the side of the strongest. If we ever get a Kenpachi Zaraki from Bleach, and Zaraki-mun is okay with it, then she'd side whatever side he's on.
OCCUPATION: Student (I talked to Julie about it and she said that reploids can go to school so I hope this is right :O)
HISTORY: Yachiru Kusajishi barely remembers anything when she was first "born". All she could remember is one person stood out from the vague memories she had. Even the date of her birthday was kinda muddled. After about two months, things began to stick and she started remembering things (The reason why might be elaborated if we have a Zaraki-mun) . She found herself in Liberty and found no reason to leave it, so she stayed there from beginning til end. She walks around often so she's recognized by many since her pink hair and bright face sticks out in such a glum place. She started attending school for a reason she forgot about and honestly didn't care to remember. She's been sent to the office for a good amount of times due to "errors" that the teacher accused her of but its because of her personality that makes it sound like she was backtalking the teacher when honestly, she was doing what she was suppose to. However, she HAS made errors but not as often as they say she did. She never plays with the other kids at school, but if she meets someone she likes, she'll dub a nickname to him or her and that's what registers in her brain as a name. Her life has been rough and tough but it only brought her love to fights and battles. Nothing makes her smile more than a fight of strength...except for a bowl of candy. It's a wonder how twisted one year can do to her, but hey. There's plenty of years coming.
INFECTION?: I would not mind. :o
SAMPLE LJ ENTRY: There never is anything to do. D: Someone entertain me right nooow. I don't care who, start a fight or somethiiiing. I'm tired of doing math and addition and subtraction and number thingys and stuff cuz its too easy and I do it all in my head and then they get mad at me and then they try to start a fight with me but I don't really wanna fight em and I rather see them fight other people and I don't like english cuz theres a bunch of words and its boring and all you do is rearrange them and you can't decide where the dots go cuz theres a billion rules like math and someone start a fight okay, okay and get me some candy too. Liberty place never has good candy yuck.
SAMPLE RP POST: "Kusajishi Yachiru. Sent to the office again. You know, this is becoming a serious problem."

"Hey mister, I want a peppermint."

"...Huh? O-oh. They're in th--THAT'S NOT THE POINT HERE. You're not suppose to ever show up in my office for disrupting the teacher! She's upset at all your outbursts especially since you aren't a human! You're not supposed to create problems, you know!"

"I'm going to take another one!"

"Will you wipe that stupid grin off your face and pay attention to me? Your attitude is irritating and if you keep making errors like this--"

"But I don't make errors cuz I get all the answers right even though the teacher gets em wrong! Silly old man, I'm taking this bown of candy with me now okie dokie? Okie dokie, bye bye!"

"Miss Kusajishi, I'm telling you, you better come back here or the consequences will be di--"

And the door slammed shut behind her for the fifth time that month. Yachiru was not getting better at that whole error-free thing.

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