I'm happier at school, where every social interaction is an elaborate, farcical, pathetic dance, than I am at home, where I sit and contemplate what happens at school in an honest, objective fashion. In fact, this is such a miserable activity that even taking exams is better.
Sometimes there's nothing I hate and detest more with all my heart than the life I lead and the people that populate it.
So today, me, Jake, and Chris were gangsta.
Notice the Rubik's Cube around my neck and the huge cross on my wallet chain (slightly obscured), not to mention the chinstrap (because I'm dedicated).
I'm also a big fan of Jake's pants, which were miraculously found with his initials on them, and of the visible glint from Chris's fake gold tooth.
When the three of us met in the hall and exchanged gangsta greetings, that kid who's name is Pat, I think (not Calahan), shouldered me in an attempt to knock my books down. I held onto them, though. That kid's slightly gangsta, so naturally he had an axe to grind.
I've already submitted a picture of me alone to RateMyBling.net. My gangsta name is MC-B Clickety-Clack Attack, and my ensamble is called Cube-style.