Sep 29, 2010 12:15
Why do people think a bathroom is a sanctuary? You are not in private, you are not alone. I hear people making phone calls to their family members all the time while sitting on the toilet, and it's disgusting. I always purposely flush the toilet right when they are in the middle of a sentence just so the person on the other line knows where they are. I also cannot stand when people just "let it all hang out" and make as much noise as possible in there. If your ass is going to explode, use the bathroom on the other floor so you don't have to walk out of the stall and make eye contact with your co-worker and act as though it's "nice running into you!" No, it is not nice running into you, I just heard your ass explode like a fucking bomb going off, that is gross and I can no longer look you in the eye. Just now, I heard somebody in the bathroom calling their doctor and requesting to know the results of their biopsy! This woman has a private office! Go make your phone call in there! Or go in your car or something! I don't want to be the one stuck consoling you when you find out you have cancer! And who wants to find out that they have cancer and then hear someone's ass explode two seconds later? Gross!! //end of rant.