I am NOT going to pass out I am NOT going to pass out
So, battle plan for today! Complete 4 more pages of homework, study for that AP European test that's going down tomarrow, NOT CRASH AND FALL ASLEEP, and LOL dude I forgot what I was so resolved to do because I haven't slept
This plan kind of isn't working
I am so A++
Winter break ends this weekend. I had anxieties rolling in my stomach throughout the night about it! What if I can't regulate my sleep pattern before Monday? What if I bomb-- SHOOT I JUST REALIZED I HAVE AN ENGLISH TEST THAT I'M SUPPOSED TO STUDY FOR
It's pretty self-evident that my life isn't working out the way it's supposed to be. I was being kind of angsty about the whole thing a few hours prior too, bawwww
Okay okay, enough of my unstable emotions for today.
...he's hexing Scotland.
England's the most hardest character for me to draw, so this was a practice. I... gave up afterwards. (Next post, i'll dedicate it all to UK, I'll make up for it!)
Someone who's more civilized!
:/ I feel really uneasy about this one, but I kind of wanted it out of the way once and for all. (Woops, cut off!)
Something decidedly* not Hetalia-- sorry!