Gaah, i'm sorry! I got really desperate to find a *Daily Doodle* to post, and I found an old unfinished doodle, so.. here it is. I kind of didn't like how I drew Japan anyway-- I would have never finished it, in all likelyhood.
Also: I really wanna draw something winter themed, and Hetalia themed. I figured, since i've never done either, I should combine them together and post them up on the community I joined about it! I kinda mulled about it over today off and on, and sometimes I was like "Yeah, oh man, I should do it!" and other times i'm like "i'm going to embarass myself SICK." So I still don't know. I freaking love the place though!
Oh man, I SAID I was gonna quote it! Didn't I? Didn't I? ♥
Also, an apology is in order.. socialist WAS the freaking answer to the test question. What I am ETERNALLY grateful for is that she didn't rub it in! (She is annoying enough as it is when she is able to pass as "tolerable".) I'm skipping out on loads of AP Euro/Algebra two to type this journal entry. I guess i've never been compelled to upkeep a blog before (I can show you my many failed attempts of this goal one day) and now that I want to, I want to keep at it, even if i'm sacrificing a few things (sleep has already gone out the window).
Ugh! I drew something today that I wanted to post up, but I couldn't scan it. It was pretty much just a crumpled piece of paper containing AP Euro notes, and doodles that basically went "I HATE EUROPEAN HISTORY" and "AUUUGH" and then "i am dazzled by my own radiance" LOL man and then I lost track
Today was another YUCA (a local volenteer youth group) meeting to attend to. This one girl I walked with to YUCA, MAAAAN, she makes algebra two homework the BEST thing ever-- she has like an endless reverie of stories to tell, and makes EVERY aspect of her life seem just fabulous. I kept cracking up, but also, I learned. I wish I could study algebra two with that girly all the time, because she knows her stuff (..in algebra two and in everything else in general) AND her stories are just the best! (The title comes from one of her stories.. aiii yah it would sound so much funnier in context. SERIOUSLY)
During the meeting, I had to call my mom-- I can't talk in Cantonese, but I.. apparently talk to my parents in a fobby english, in hopes that my messege will be more comprehensible to them in fractured english. So when I addressed my mom, I went like.. you know how "AI YAAAAH" sounds like? That's how I said "mommieee!" like MAH MIEEEEEEEEE oh god I wasn't even aware of it until everyone started laughing LOL
It was cold too. I wish it snowed in LA, but that would signify the end of the world pretty much! I think one of my most reoccuring dreams (or my most memorable dreams) are of me attempting to touch snow. I'd totally draw an angsty comic strip about it, but AP Euro is due tomarrow, and there's an algebra test tomarrow in which I will flunk--again.
But it's cool.