Yeah~ 3 days until Tegoshi's birthday, but I don't know if I would be able to make a post for the exact date so I'm doing it now ! ^^
I still believe even he has a such pity face sometimes, I will love him FOREVER
Because he's the most kakkoi/kawai boy of the world !
I'm always remembering is young period, very very young and make me feel strange
This boy change so much, but I can see in his eyes that he had always been who he is
Anyway, Tegoshi is so lovely before and now, anyone agree with me ?
(if anyone wants more 24 Hour TV papa pics, clik
So, the most things I love in Tegoshi, is his acting in Dead Run... This movie is my favorite, not only my Tegoshi favorite movie ! I can't say why, but even it's a gloomy and dark story, I see in it something true, I watched it a lot to understand the bottom of the signification. Because I'm so in love with "Shisso", I made 352 screenshot of the movie and I want to share with you :
DOWNLOAD And because I love this period of him, I upload every scans related to this movie, I posted some of them before, but it's not problem for the one who missed it ^^
DOWNLOAD If anyone didn't see it, he must to do it ! And if someone can't believe in Tegoshi act, he must watch it too !
If only he can play in another movie like that ♥
Maybe Tegoshi always plays touching role, but one of them is the most touching, I'm talking about Hyoten ! It's not really a movie but it still like. He always has a serious face in this movie even he's sometimes smiling, I feel like he has a mature role.
Like Dead Run, I uploaded Hyoten Scan related
DOWNLOAD And it still some Tegoshi amazing roles, like in Gachi Baka! ♥ But it's too longer to talk about, ne ?^^
But I'm asking what is the better Tegoshi drama/movie for you ? I'm really interested in it ^^
Yeah~ But Tegoshi is not only an idol but a person too... So I'm putting some paparazzi pictures :
So I think I've celebrated a lot now XD But I'm always celebrating Tegoshi because he is the one in my heart ! (atsukashiii)
But I hope he will do a new drama or movie, and he will be always at the TOP ! ^^