anatomical heart #5
$2/24 pages/Quarter size
by Bettie
I can always count on Bettie's writing to be sincere when she is sharing pieces of her life, regardless if they may be content or trying times. She explains her thoughts on taking medications, her fascination with suicide stories and attending an exhibition, Bobby Baker's Diary Drawings: Mental illness and me, 1997- 2008. There is a short piece about an attempt to hang herself, it could be triggering to some readers. Bettie lists different things she enjoys and zines she has recently read.
She writes, "Sitting up there, way above the murky water of the Thames and the tourists milling around the south bank, it was so quiet. I was sitting in the middle of a busy city and felt completely alone. It was the most peaceful I felt in months."
Sweet Candy Distro