Mystlife... another answer

May 01, 2006 22:09

This is a bittersweet year. It always has been, but unfortunately EVERYONE is realizing it now.

Southern Tour. Oceans. Beaches. Breathlizers. Sea- sickness. Tsunami. Oh yes. It ran everything!

First stop was in Sura Thani. (After we finally got off the damn bus... and it had been a fucking hard night.) Toga party that night. Sober. Because of the next morning. It was FUN as hell. No where else would that work. Niklas looked like a god. -drools- Admit it ladies!

Snorkeling the next day. All day on a crap load of islands. It was AMAZING! We swam through The "Emerald Tunnel" to a hidden beach. Then got back to the boat and jumped off it a bizillion times. I love it. Went to a discotecque that night. I missed dancing!

Left for the Similian Islands. but hit up Pearl Island on the way. I don't like huge tourist traps. No one got pearls. They weren't good at all. The boat ride there was scenic....lots of rokcy embankments and veggies growing. This was mofia night. -grins wickedly- KILL AADRIAL! Ashley, Annie, and I are Mofia through and through. We are the best. Everyone else sucks. wahahahaa!

The boat ride to the islands was painful. Lots of people were sea sick. Poor paul and annie. -pats virtual heads- I still love you. 5 hours later. we arrive at PARADISE. Nothing will ever compare to it. White beaches. CRASHING waves. Not a lot of electricity. It was great. except getting the bags to and from the big boat. That was hell and I lost my cd player. -curses- We had our fluffy bunny session and then went skinny dipping. Nearly got caught. Well, kinda did.... BUT that's okay because no breathlizers were done. -snickers- they forgot it on the bus and no one was drunk ANYWAY! Burma had a typhoon so Thailand got the shock/after shock of it. While we were at sea. It was great fun. Lots of times we all thought the boat was going to capsize. I'm proud to say I have now survived a storm at sea.

Bus to Phuket. Didn't like it after SI. Who would? Watched a sunset.... got great pictures. Partied in the hotel. Next day we did shopping. That night was the Phuket Fantasea show. It was GREAT. We met other exchange students from Northern district. We outnumbered them. by a lot. Had a huge buffet and desserts that made people cry over them. THAT'S HOW GOOD THEY WERE. or how deprived we are. To describe the show is goingt o be long and drawn out. sooo I'm not going to.... suffice it to say it was about THailands cultureS (plural!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and it's history. My fave part was the acrobats. But the best part of the night was the dancing afterwards. Met up with the XS at our hotel. Sober night for us because of testing the next morning.

Woke up. Got tested. I was clear. No one was dumb enough to drink the night before. !2 hours later we arrived at hua hin! Party city. I LOVED IT. Went dancing again. free ride home. Talked with Josh. The next morning was great fun.

Leave for Korat. Speeches. Saddness. LUnch. More speeches. Laughing this time. and some more tears. Was forced "home" when we got to Korat. Got around that though for one last night with almost everyone. Chika and Airi had to leave because Prapart is a douche like that. -sighs- That was hard. Good thing this isn't goodbye. I've got plans to see them again. This year and forever after that.

I am now home. THe count down begins on people who are leaving soon. This I am not looking forward to. MY love to all. Everyone has it.

Tell me what the hell you want from me. Right now, I feel like I'm jumping through hoops. Stop it!
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