go vote his ass off. He deserves it was being such a 2-faced saboteur. He was very nice and sweet to my face, telling my he was soooo into my designs, all the while telling everyone and the interviewers that he wasn't there to help me and hated my designs.
Go vote him off and pass it around. I'd still be on there if he didn't have immunity. They were all aware of what he was doing. I only wish someone had told me :(
http://allprojectrunway.blogspot.com/2009/09/who-should-have-been-auf-in-episode-7.html I mean holy hell! Look how he f**ked up my ruffles. I had them pinned on here for him to hand sew on. Not too difficult right?
http://hphotos-snc1.fbcdn.net/hs275.snc1/10220_170393586084_758156084_3666953_6842361_n.jpg This is how they ended up after he just said "f**k it", and slapped em on any old way. The whole time I thought he was being so sincerely nice to me :( God I feel like a fool for picking him.