(no subject)

Jan 23, 2006 21:35

alright so, i feel the need to rant to myself since i have no one else to talk to....
i'm feeling selfish
and nice

But selfishness is the one sticking its finger down my throat....
I want to say good morning to you
I want to kiss you goodnight
I want to know how your day is going
I want to know if youre alright
I want to know if you need anything
I want to know if anything is bothering you
I want to know if your feeling better
I want to know if youre alive
I want to know if you want me to know
I want to know if youre where i last saw you
I want to know if youll look at me the same
I want to know if youll talk to me the same
I want to know if i'll ever get a phone call from you
I want to know if the conversation will last more then seconds
I want to know if you cry
I want to know if theres still love
I want to know if theres a future
I want to know if someone else has kissed you
I want to know if someone else has told you they loved you lately
because i havent had the chance.
i want to....
but you know what...
i dont know anything anymore.
and all i want to know is if youre ok

and if you want anything to do with me.
the hugs were distant

and your smile didnt calm me like it used to, because it never came.
the meetings are rushed because of work hours and impatient movie goers.

im not asking for you back..even though its what i want
im not asking you to sleep with me (" ")

i just want to wish you sweet dreams.

I Love You.

If this in any way got you mad at me, i didnt mean for it to at all. i just think an awful lot when i lay by myself at night.
i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you
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