The countdown continues...

May 02, 2006 13:23

The euros are purchased. The countdown is going like crazy. Three weeks from yesterday 'til lift-off!

I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I have to make sure I bring my sister something really nice from Germany and Austria. I mean, uber nice. Behold, my mad German skillz. Anyway, there's a specific reason for this.

We leave for Europe on Monday, May twenty-second.

Little Sister graduates from high school on Tuesday, May twenty-third.

*points to self* This is Candy-chan's sad face ;_; But when I was talking to Mom about it, she told me that there was no way in hell she was letting me pass up this once-in-a-lifetime trip. I was going, end of discussion.

Little Sister was really disappointed when I told her, too. But I suspect she knows she'll be getting a bundle from Europe, so hopefully that'll appease her. And I'll be there for her graduation party, so that's good too. That'll be on June 4, thank the Powers That Be. I should get her a cuckoo clock, just to be funny. I don't know whether she'd laugh...or kill me in my sleep =P

In other news, I'm working on drabble requests like mad. jewelsybear1017 and magic_truth, yours are up and in the works. Expect before the end of the week, if all goes well. Then it'll be down to wolf_crossbreed, articulation, and articulation. Ideas are brewing, just need to get them on paper.

socchan, I'm reeeeeeally hoping this comes out okay. magic_truth, you actually inspired your own drabble ^__^ *giggles and skips off, but is crushed by a falling goat*
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