The euros are purchased. The countdown is going like crazy. Three weeks from yesterday 'til lift-off!
I don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I have to make sure I bring my sister something really nice from Germany and Austria. I mean, uber nice. Behold, my mad German skillz. Anyway, there's a specific reason for this.
We leave for Europe on Monday, May twenty-second.
Little Sister graduates from high school on Tuesday, May twenty-third.
*points to self* This is Candy-chan's sad face ;_; But when I was talking to Mom about it, she told me that there was no way in hell she was letting me pass up this once-in-a-lifetime trip. I was going, end of discussion.
Little Sister was really disappointed when I told her, too. But I suspect she knows she'll be getting a bundle from Europe, so hopefully that'll appease her. And I'll be there for her graduation party, so that's good too. That'll be on June 4, thank the Powers That Be. I should get her a cuckoo clock, just to be funny. I don't know whether she'd laugh...or kill me in my sleep =P
In other news, I'm working on drabble requests like mad.
jewelsybear1017 and
magic_truth, yours are up and in the works. Expect before the end of the week, if all goes well. Then it'll be down to
articulation, and
articulation. Ideas are brewing, just need to get them on paper.
socchan, I'm reeeeeeally hoping this comes out okay.
magic_truth, you actually inspired your own drabble ^__^ *giggles and skips off, but is crushed by a falling goat*