Jul 11, 2012 20:53
So at work today, I decided to get a can of Mountain Dew to drink. I popped my thirty-five cents into the machine, and hit the button. Out popped a can.
Followed by a second.
This machine has given me two-fer's before (and once it even gave me three cans for the price of one!), so I didn't think too much of it...until the cans kept coming. A part-timer nearby asked, "How many cans did you buy?" As I'm picking up can number four, I replied, "One!"
I wound up with eight cans of Mountain Dew, total.
Best part?
I heard the change slot go ka-ching, and the machine then gave me back my thirty-five cents.
I love that machine :D
...since I'm here, might as well ask - has anyone read Fifty Shades of Gray? Because everyone at work is reading/has read it and won't stop talking about it. They keep saying they'd never heard of some of this stuff, and it's all so shocking. One coworker had never heard the term "vanilla" before.
Meanwhile, I'm quietly thinking, "I read fanfiction. I dare that book to show me something I haven't heard of before."
(Seriously, between the fic with the anal penetration using ginger and that one wherein I discovered I apparently have a kink for well-written "naked man building Lego spaceship with his feet," fandom has ruined me on surprises in smut. The last time I can recall being surprised by a kink was the first time I stumbled across sounding.)