May 31, 2007 18:34
I feel like I'm running around like a chicken whose head has recently been separated from the rest of me x_x I'm worn out, I feel like I'm not getting much done, and to top it all off, I somehow managed to pull a muscle in my neck this morning. Don't ask me how--I was fine until I reached up to rub the back of my neck and then WAAAAAAAAHHURTIEHURTIEHURTIE!!! So now I can barely move my head, and I definitely can't turn to look from side to side.
If you've never heard the song "Canada is Really Big," you need to. Also, does anyone perhaps have an mp3 of "Old McDonald Had a Dysfunctional Farm"? Because that song is also win.
And now I'm going to go lie on a heating pad for a while *huuuuuurt*
[/a really whiny entry]
real life,