I'm looking for friends!!!
Especially in the Twilight community. So here's a meme to fill and I hope to fin some new and exciting people who will comment on my LJ!
Have fun! :D
And please feel free to repost this in other Twilight Communities with the image above!
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Name: Holley!
Age: 15.
Location: my room! :P
Favorite Books: Twilight series.
Favorite Movies: Juno, Uncle Buck, classic 80s movies.
Favorite Cookies: Peanut butter!!
Favorite Mangas/Anime(if any): Dont watch that stuff.
Favorite Songs: um, i cant list so many. but my personal favorite song at the moment is stripped- shiny toy guns
Favorite Fandoms: twilight, smallville.
Favorite Fandom Pairings: lois/clark, bella/edward, hmm...
Least Favorite Fandom Pairings: eh.
Favorite Fandom Related LJ Community:
Favorite Book: Twilight
Favorite Character(s): I dont necessarily have a favorite character. But Edward, jasper, alice are basically my favorites.
Least Favorite Character(s): jacob
Favorite Quote: oh wow, dont make me choose haha.
Favorite Moment: i also cant choose. probably when they first talk in biology. It just is a good start to a great romance.
Favorite Pairing(s): I cant choose.
Least Favorite Pairing(s): Bella/Jacob.
Favorite Twilight Fanfic: Man, I cant list them lmao. I have so many! Its mental.
Favorite Weird Twilight Pairing: Quil/claire, LMAO KIDDDDING. I dont know.
Team Edward or Team Jacob? Team Edward FTW!
Why do you like Twilight? It's so real, regardless of werewolves and vampires and crazy stuff like that. It has a great romance that isnt teen typical stereotype.
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