(no subject)

Jul 31, 2012 21:38

I really shouldn't watch the Olympics, I really shouldn't, cause it just makes me so angry everytime I see it.

So America has once again accused China of cheating - this time saying that Ye Shiwen was doping following her 400 metre world record swim? What the hell? And yet Michael Phelps swooped 8 gold medals in Beijing last time and they don't bat an eyelid? God, I hate Americans and their arrogance, totally makes me sick. Lets not forget that they accused China's gymast team last time for being underaged. Seriously, why are Americans so butthurt over everthing. There's always a reason for why their team did not win gold medal, its so pathetic.

Watching the Olympic commentaries on British TV isn't making it any better cause all I hear about is the British, American and European teams. Nothing on the Oriental team at all, except maybe some sarcastic comments on Ye Shiwen's win? And I've noticed that all the recent drama seems to relate to the Oriental countries - mixing up N.Korea's flag, Japan's appeal, S.Korean's fencing dissapointment and China's doping? Something is totally off here...

And this is once again why I think the Olympics does nothing to foster international relations. If anything, all I see is America again and again slatting down China. Urgh, it makes me so angry, I'm going to fume away on Facebook....

On a happier note, Ye Shiwen is so adorable. Wishing her all the best in the future.
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