
Apr 13, 2007 20:03

I just found out I got a relitivly decent scholarship grant from Delta Kappa Gamma. Horray!

I'm really good at this poetry unit in English. And I pretty much love John Updike for juxtoposing himself with a mosquito. "I lay awake, unconcious of my size" Who else can put the word "awake" next to the word "unconcious" and get that effect? I just love it.

Jackie and I are hurt. Our meet was cancelled due to snow on Crystal Lake's track. Bull. Shit. It was perfect weather for running. Although my legs feel like wood. Really sore wood.

This week has been really stressful. I have another scholarship audition tomorrow. I think I'm going to do my "Wit" monolague.

ps I officially hate doing makeup for the musical. HATE it.

more ps I'm tired of stupid people. make them all go away.

graduation could not come sooner....

damn, I need a cheap prom dress. thrift store shopping anyone? Maybe I'll just make it out of pillowcases. That'd be creative.

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