My life, continued

Jan 21, 2007 13:45

Here is my joyful weekend. Not really. Friday I did something? I'm not exactly sure what I did. I think I...had steak for dinner or was that thursday? Oh wait, I remember now. I spent four hours typing my journal entries out. I thought that it would help me remember the past and that could help me in the future by reminding me of the knowledge that I learned but forgot. But what I realized is that there are just some things that you want to forget. Anne Frank would probably cringe at what she has written as well. The weird things is that the writing that I thought was the worst while writing it was the most enjoyable to read later, and the writing that was oh so fun to write was just a bore to read later.

Saturday, I woke up relatively early (11?) My mom got me a French/Vietnamese sandwich (for those who don't know, it is pate, pickled carrot, vietnamese ham sausage thingy, parsley, and butter in a French baguette) then I went to the mall because I planned to meet my friend from UConn there. Ellie brought 3 other friends and they were looking for snoball dresses. one wanted to go to the Gap!!! It took me FOREVER to get some coffee because we were going left and right trying to find dresses. But overall, it was a good time. Ellie and I got to have a mini reunion. I got these awesome shoes with birds on them at Hot Topic. At Forever 21, I got the best deals ever. There was this blazer that I thought was $27 and it turned out to be $13! There was also this nice dress shirt to go with it that only cost $5. All these numbers are reminding me of my cluelessness during the pre calc retake quiz I took on Friday. The worst that could happen is me getting less than a 65. If I had just had enought time to actually finish the test maybe I wouldn't have had to retake it in the first place. At the mall, I also discovered my favorite drink of all time. It is also really inexpensive, also why it is my favorite drink of all time. It is the hazelnut iced coffee from the little cafe next to Borders Express and Nordstrom. It is so good, I'm sure Kate would like it (yes you.) After having 2 of those (grande size, actually a medium) I couldn't sleep last night so I was up until 4 am. I was watching the Patriot and then was on Facebook and Myspace. This, I am not proud of.

Fast forward to 10 am Sunday. I'm the last one up as usual. My brother has gone to work (I wish he would bring me home dinner from Wendy's today) my parents are up. My dad wants to go to Bob's to get work shoes. My mom wakes me up the first time asking if I want to go to Bob's and I say no, I'm sleeping. Then I hear Beans screaming again and my mom just encourages him to screach even louder. Then my dad comes in asking for my gift card so he could buy work shoes from Bob's. Basically, I am up by 10:30 and I said, wait, I'll go to Bob's. We stopped by DD and I got iced coffee but it wasn't nearly as good as the one at the mall and my dad forgot to order a hazelnut syrup. I stopped by Office Depot. It's always quiet there, yet so large, which in a way is good because it would be awkward to have quiet in a small place. At Bob's I got my Crocs, yay. Then my dad wanted to go to the mall. I didn't care because I had nothing better to do. He went to J. Crew to get shoes and he kept telling me how he has never bought himself a pair of shoes, which is half a lie because he still gets shoes, just that my mom buys them. But he said that because the shoes cost $135! The good part is that he got me some pants there which amazingly cost only $22. I think I am on a role this week for sale shopping. The pants are really nice. They are beige cargo and kind of baggy and they are so so soft. I think I'm going to stop by J.Crew more now.

I think I have homework, but I'm not doing it now because I know I'll eventually force myself to do it later, so why bother thinking about it now? I think I'll choose ignorance bliss now for incredible misery laaater. But I did do part of the Pre-Calc review homework yesterday which took me from 3 hours...but I was watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail at the same time. I remember way back freshman year, Mr. Blanker, my us history teacher, made us watch it as a joke at first telling us that we had to take notes on it. It was the best thing a teacher has ever done!!! I've never seen it before but it was so hilarious. Sadly, the only people laughing were me and Adrianne and maybe a few other people. I was cracking up while the rest of the class stared blankly at the screen. Oh man, I loved that class. I made a presentation about Japan using powerpoint and I had the best effects ever. I put the "turning japanese" song in there and at the end I put Japanese video games, anime and for some reason Kill Bill. I put a song from Kill Bill there as well. I think that was one of the few times, I tried hard in a project...

I'm trying to make a Mix CD that has a title that begins with each letter of the alphabet. It's a little stupid, but I need an X and a Z.


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