Aug 01, 2005 00:58
Ah the joys of small children. I woke at 4:30am to the sound of wailing. Mavis Raleigh, my baby sister, had taken it upon herself to frighten the rest of the neighborhood awake with her screams. Very noble, for a nine month old. Rolling out of bed I grumbled “When I am queen I will insist on perfect scars upon my wrists.” Scratching at said scars (that weren’t exactly perfect, but what the hell) I headed to Mavis’s room. I found her, standing in her crib, screaming her little head off. She sure can make a lot of noise when she wants to. I’m certain I was a very quiet baby. No trouble for the mommies at all.
I scooped up the kid and carried her back to my room. Dragging a small play pen out of the hall closet, I set it up, and flung a few of her toys in. I put on a CD of soft music and flopped back on my mattress. Mavis was playing quietly as I dozed off again. Ahh, crisis averted.
Four hours and twenty minutes later, I was awake again. The baby had fallen asleep, thanks in part to Mozart and in part to the gentle trickle of rain falling on the window. As gently as I could, I picked her up and carried her back to her crib. Once she was safe and sound, with a thumb stuck firmly in her mouth, I headed down stairs.
Lee-Anne (LA) and Jodi (my mother and her lover) weren’t awake yet, as I knew very well they wouldn’t be. LA hasn’t gotten up before nine in years. Going though my summer morn routine, I made my coffee and checked my e-mail. Two junk (why the hell do I need a ‘penis pill’ anyway?) One fanfic up-date and one rambling missive from my best friend Gwynni.
The coffee dripped to a stop, and I took a few life-giving sips before I heard la porte d'amour (the mom’s room) open. Jodi slipped out, shaking tangles from her long (and I mean long) mane of black hair. She gave me a mere nod and poured some coffee for herself. I went back to staring into my cup.
Then, the weirdest thing happened! I thought, for a moment, that I saw a face in my coffee! It was small, and childlike, and…green. I shook my head. I’m becoming as crazy as Gwynni, who firmly believes that cockroaches are planning to destroy the earth with atomic bombs. But..I looked down. There! There it was again. I blinked, and it was gone.
At that moment LA came out. She ruffled my hair. “Hey babe. Sorry for ditching the kid with you early. How’s your morning been?” I stood up, handing her my coffee cup. “Killer.” I said, before heading back to my room. If I was going crazy, I needed to figure it out before I did something really stupid.