One of my earliest memories is the pastor from my village temple telling me that I was an important person with an important job. I had my very own holiday on my birthday and everything, because I was the Chosen of Salvation and when I turned sixteen, I was going to die and become an angel and Sylvarant would be saved. That's the Journey of World Regeneration and the Chosen's duty. And I love Sylvarant so much, I was going to do it. I did do it.
On my sixteenth birthday, an angel came from Cruxis to give me my Cruxis Crystal, which I needed to become an angel. Becoming an angel means becoming less human. I don't really get how it works, but basically the Cruxis Crystal changes you. First I lost my appetite, and even when I tried to eat, nothing would stay down. Then I stopped sleeping, and after that I stopped feeling anything at all. That's when Lloyd found out, because up till then I'd been keeping it a secret from everybody. But everybody else only found out at the next seal, because that's when I lost my voice and couldn't talk anymore. And then after that was the Tower of Salvation, where I would have to give up my heart and my memories, so the Goddess Martel could take my body. That's what it means for the Chosen to die.
I didn't want to stop living, but there was no other choice, and if I thought about it like my life spreading out all over Sylvarant...that made it easier to deal with. I was happy so long as other people could be happy. But when I lost my soul, I was really trapped inside my Cruxis Crystal. It was so dark in there, without any sense or feeling. I don't ever want to be trapped there again.
[ooc: Cursed with Death to All His Friends. Remember
this? That's Colette after her heart "died." Expect her to bring up other near-death experiences in the comments.]