Apr 11, 2006 20:13
If I read one more review whining about vocabulary (without having read up to chapter 5 and its associated author's notes), I'm going to KILL someone.
Vocab lesson 1:
1. Look for context clues.
ex: The boy was the most arrogant, pompous, chauvinistic, alkwejqkl2j4qlk24j person she had ever met. What could that unknown word possibly mean?
a. nice
b. hot
c. fantabulous
2. Roots are good.
-graphy: study of
aur-: gold
mono-: one
3. www.m-w.com, www.dictionary.com, www.GETOFFYOURLAZYASSANDGRABAREALDICTIONARY.com
Moral of the story: Don't complain about diction. It will piss me off very very much.