Feb 17, 2010 20:47
Because I'm in a foul mood and I need some fun, I'd like to know if there has been dramatic scenes in Btvs that didn't work for you because of a detail that killed it?
Here're three from the top of my head
in season 1, in the Harvest (?), Buffy going down in the Hellmouth in virginal white dress of sacrifice?!! I like campy, but that was way, way over the top. :-)
in season 2, in I only have eyes for you; the big D Boreanaz, trying to embody the female teacher running away from her lover/murderer... I just wanted to laugh (and yet I loved this episode).
in season 2 again, Becoming part 2, D Boreanaz again, as straight as a log, with his extended arm towards Buffy as Acathla is "eating" him. How awkward, the guy really had progress to do. :-D
So what are your "kill the deal" details ?