Being frighteningly awesome,
petite_madame was kind enough to include my story
Last Day on Earth in her
calendar wallpaper project, and hence made some most-amazing art!
It is REALLY FREAKIN GOOD, too. I cannot easily put words to how good! And putting words to things is generally my raison d'etre. Go
check out the art, and make sure you tell her about
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all this by way of saying that i am not ever giving up on that motherfucker, but i am currently taking a break from it. because, as you can see ^^^^, it is terribly emotional for me. i have a little short time-killing story that i'm almost done with, though, which i am feeling okay about.
oh man, zito on the franchise. i have all the episodes downloaded or ripped off the 'tube (because i needs it), and i honestly get all flustered and self-conscious watching what a big role he plays on that show for someone who, you know, doesn't play much of a role on the team anymore. i mean, i think it's like 90% schadenfreude, let us mock the incredibly rich dude who can no longer locate a (eighty-two freakin mile an hour) "fastball," and the other 10% is "hey at least he's hot." heartbreaker=understatement of the century.
and ha, amber. that probably would have upset me a lot more five years ago. i appreciate that he held off getting engaged for long enough to allow me to slash him with half the league, though. real team player, that guy.
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