did every little thing you asked me to

Dec 21, 2010 16:42

hey i just drove (well, split the time with my bro) from san francisco to boulder (the southern route to avoid the snow), and that took 25 hours, and now i am a mere shell of a beck, tired and shaky and hopped up on five-hour energies and all.

and, because nothing can ever go right, i've been unable to get my laptop connected to my 'rents' internet, a truly dispiriting eventuality considering all i wanted to do upon arriving was collapse to the floor in a shower of christmas cookies, and watch 'arrested development' on netflix.

oh but instead. 'aladdin' on the disney xd channel. my mom's huge ridiculous desktop computer from 1998. erasing the history every time i do anything fannish. alas, alas.

so, i'm probably going radio silent until after new year's, information for you (ify). if i am deplorably late (more deplorably late) with answering comments, now youse know why.

luckily, it is christmas! there was a little kid in the last gas station wearing a santa hat and reaching new heights of adorability. i turn mini candy canes into spears and christmas cookies into ninja throwing stars. bells jingle and kris kringles and so forth.

i've just listened to 1300 miles of terrible hokey christmas songs. let's go see how loud my parents' stereo can play iggy pop.
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