Oct 08, 2008 17:39
I'm sorry to post rather stressed out messages lately. But in a way, it helps to keep me sane.
I pretty much finally hit my major breaking point dealing with things. My focus has gone straight to hell and I can't concentrate at all. Ever since I've been a college student, at Ai and here at Tyler, I've been going year round. My teachers are especially strict, and dealing with them can lead to nothing but a migraine. Just like Nazis running a work camp. I came down with a bad case of bronchitis and could barely do much of anything other than cough, twitch, and fall on my face. (YAY) And my teacher asked me why I didn't make tons of progress on the project, at only 2 days in. And gave me a speech about how I should be working 8 hours a week outside class (6 hours for class in one week.).. And I blanked. That was pretty much my breaking point.
I also managed to get hit by a bike, but that wasn't my fault. Hurt like hell, but I'm good. She ended up slamming into my shoulder and side. Oooooh man did I see stars (the stars were BEAUTIFUL! Hahahah). The worst thing is, she took off!! What a chicken shit.
I'm just at this point taking everything a day at a time. I've already had one break down, I certainly don't want another. Before this happened, I often just thought I was being lazy and careless. But I realized those previous thoughts of mine were so wrong. I was just falling apart, so very slowly that I didn't realize it. I can be so dense to my own issues at times. I went totally numb. I lost my train of thought, and could barely even carry out simple tasks without screwing up.
So I have a meeting with my two art teachers tomorrow. I told one of them, that it wasn't safe for me to take a night class (arriving home around 10:20PM). I live in not such a nice area, loaded with bars, drunks, clubs, and hostess bars.
Speaking of the news.. They're talking about a panty thief!!! Ewwww..
Anyways, sorry to be a downer on things. I hope all of you are doing well! :)!