Animal I Become (David/Liz, R)

Oct 31, 2011 22:46

Posted for the n3teamchallenge Vampire vs. Werewolf. Prompt: Change/Transformation (Team Werewolf)

Title: Animal I Become
Pairing/Characters: David/Liz
Rating: R (adult situations)
Word Count: 423
Summary: She knows his secret.
Spoilers: None
Notes/Warnings: I've been stressing about this fic for a month and pulled 300 words out of the air tonight to finish it. I'm sure it's not my best work but I figured this would be better than posting nothing at all. A big thank you to julietm, always my first reader and beta. You’re the best. ♥
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.

This fic was written for the Vampire vs Werewolf challenge at n3teamchallenge. To vote, please visit the following link: Vampire vs. Werewolf Poll.

Liz smiled to no one as she watched him across the bullpen. Colby and Nikki were listening intently to his break down of a case. He was calm. He was straight talking G-man; the man every one knew as mild mannered Agent Sinclair. He was the guy who did the job without a lot of fluff, who got a little grumpy when the case hit too close to home but generally didn’t let his fur bristle about much.

She was smiling because she knew his secret. She knew all about the dark side of Agent Sinclair. She knew the animal that escaped at night… particularly on nights like tonight.

Every one in law enforcement hated the phase of the moon when it waxed full. Something about a full moon brought out all the crazy in town. Tonight was just one of those nights, but Liz wasn’t dreading it. She knew exactly what she had to look forward to when she got home.

Agent Sinclair would shed his clothes and disappear into the night, leaving only her David standing in the light of the full moon streaming through her windows. David… appropriately named like Michelangelo’s perfect statue… solid, strong. And he would look at her like he meant to eat her alive, sending a shiver down her spine before he’d attack.

His hands would suddenly be every where all at once, ripping at her clothes… rough against her skin in a hurry to get to her.

She’d hear a low rumble of a growl before he would bare his teeth, leaving his mark just where her shoulder meets her neck. The sensation would make her sigh even as she wraps herself around him where he’d have her pinned against the wall.

She knew neither of them would make it to the bed before they’d be howling into the darkness, blinded by the heat flashing between them.

He’d let her catch a breath before he’d carry her into the bedroom, his animal hunger for her… and her alone… not quite sated. He’d be wild, ferocious. He’d have her however he wanted her and that’s just the way she liked it - no inhibitions, no secrets between them… only those they kept from the outside world.

In the morning light, Agent Sinclair would be there, apologetically kissing her wounds even though she tells him it’s not necessary since she’s left a few marks on him as well. Truth be told, David brings out the animal in her too. Once bitten, she knew she was his… for always.

rating: r, fic: challenge, genre: het, fandom: numb3rs, pairing: david sinclair/liz warner

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