He Remembered. (Wayne/Grace, PG, The Mentalist)

Apr 01, 2009 10:30

Fandom: The Mentalist...

Title: He Remembered.
Characters/Pairings: Wayne Rigsby/Grace Van Pelt
Rating: PG (imagery, to be safe)
Word Count: 389
Summary: He said he didn't remember...
Spoilers: 1.18 - Russet Potatoes.
Notes/Warnings: This is a coda for episode 1.18 Russet Potatoes and happens immediately after the end of the episode. I had to write this as soon after the episode as I could manage because I needed more!! haha. Many thanks and smiling Patrick to my beta, julietm. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.

He stepped out of the break room, wide eyed.

One tap on the shoulder from Jane and he remembered. He remembered everything he had done while in that trance.

And of all the things he had done, at the forefront was the way her hair smelled like cinnamon, the way her body radiated the warmth of a perfect day in autumn, the way her lips tasted of candy apples.

He, Wayne Rigsby, had kissed Grace Van Pelt.

Jane had asked him to do the one thing he wanted most in the world…

He had kissed her.

There was no point in lying to himself anymore. That was the one thing he wanted more than anything in the world… second only to wanting more.

As he caught a glimpse of her across the office, her hair falling freely about her shoulders, he remembered something else.

He remembered… she had kissed him back.

Suddenly there was a quickness in his step as he made his way toward her.

She had asked if he remembered then she left the break room, a slump in those sturdy and perfect shoulders.

Something he said had upset her.

He said he didn’t remember.

And she wanted him to remember.

This was no hypnotic trance taking him to her. This was the trance of a man who’d tasted what he most desired… tired of waiting, tired of lying.

“Van Pelt?” he spoke, drawing her attention away from the task in front of her.

As soon as she turned, his arms were around her waist and he pulled her to him - his lips meeting hers in much the same way as that first time. Every press flooded his memory with the first exchange…

She didn’t push away… not until he’d tasted her fully and then with only a simple caress across his back, she signaled to him and he pulled back, looking into her eyes.

“Rigsby, what are you doing?” she whispered, her eyes never leaving his.

“What I’ve wanted to do most since the very first day I met you, Grace,” he answered.

She pulled back, studying him. “Are you still hypnotized?”

He shook his head. “Not this time.”

He then watched her smile before she eased her own lips closer to his. “Good. That’s the way I most wanted it,” she breathed, diving into him.

genre: het, rating: pg, pairing: wayne rigsby/grace van pelt, fandom: the mentalist

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