Title: Mysteries and Memories (Small Miracles Series, Part 6/8)
Pairing/Characters: Colby and the baby; thoughts of OFC-Callie
Rating: PG-13 (implied adult situations)
Word Count: 1,592
Summary: Some days were harder than others, and today there was just too much. The baby left without parents. Crime. Death. Callie.
Spoilers: Mention of themes
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Comments 10
Have I ever told you just how much I love this series?
or...just how much I love Colby and Callie no matter what universe they are in??
Part 7 is up... it's technically "the end" but there is one more "missing piece" that I will be posting later today.
How are you anyway dear?
I'll read the new part soon. I've got some work I HAVE to do to get ready for work tomorrow. Mostly it was that on Thursday at like 1:30 my principal announced that our plans for next week had to be turned in by 10am the next day (that's about 5 hours minimum of work that I had to do that night). So its calmed down a little, but not much. I've still got stuff to do, but at least I now know things are do on Friday and I can do them today or earlier in the week.
It was my birthday yesterday. Thank you for the wishes. I did have a good day. Went out to dinner with my parents and my siblings, then after wards my siblings put on a play for me which didn't quite go as planned (and I video taped it). So it was just a nice small celebration. I also talked to my other sister briefly and then to her today.
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