Mar 02, 2009 18:10
I miss hanging out with meteorologists.
There's something very depressing about an awesome storm shaping up and you have no one to gush over thermodynamic charts with. I mean, sure, math geeks are okay to an extent. They're always there for a good math pun. But I miss my weather geeks. I miss being able to talk about the weather and not have the other person's eyes glaze over. Most people when they mention the weather don't want to talk about it, they are just filling up silence. *sighs*
Regardless, there was a bunch of snow! I took a snow day today. I don't really mind driving home in 1 inch or more per hour snow rates, but driving to work means I have to concentrate a whole lot more than I like to at 7 am. Jared, always worrying about my safety, also successively bribed me by saying he'd pay my state taxes if I happened to take a snow day today and get them done. That took up a few hours. Half of the time was spent trying to understand the stupid "you didn't pay enough money during the year find out your penalty" form. All that time, and my penalty came to a whopping $10. That hardly seems worth the effort. I would have paid $20 if I didn't have to waste the time. But I suppose it's not like I had anything else to do.
In other news, I fell down the stairs on Wednesday. Normally, I'm very aware when I'm falling. This time, I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I'm not sure what scared me more, the disorientation from the fall or how scared/worried Jared's face was. My bumps on my arm are bruising. I was able to turn my body so I fell on my left side, not my right. I can't imagine how much more damage I would have inflicted on my poor right wrist. As it was, I caused my left wrist to be in way more pain that normal. And that's my good wrist! But its getting better. My feet don't hurt when I walk anymore, my lower back isn't in pain, and my leg no longer has a weird twinge when I stretch. So, woo! Healing!
A few things to look forward to:
1. I'm visiting CT this weekend (weather permitting)!
2. Should be hanging out with Gabby later this month.
3. Come April 2, Jared and I will be together for 3 years.
He's not sick of me yet! haha