last night could have been one of the most depressin nights.....or one of the best nights, I saw robert again :]...hung out with kia and joel, went to rubys, and saw sammiee! haha
well i dont know what to say or do anymore, im confussed on a whole lotta shit, like why do ppl say stuff when they dont mean it, and why do ppl use u for sumthin they
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i had the same problem..,The first and only girl-friend ive ever loved kinda cheated on me and it just went down hill from there.obviously she was over me, but i still loved her and cared about her, but all i was doing was hurting myself...and to be honest with you heather, the only way i got over her was by getting with another girl who was nice and sweet and cute. i didnt go out with her enough to love her but it help me get my ex out of my head long enough for me to forget about her. Hey Sugar Lipz..u need anything ask me k?? Take care Latez
cuz u just kinda said my name and not im gettin a little scared
if u know wat i mean no harm done but
who r u ??????
p.s thanx for the advice...seems like everyones been tellin me that, but then when i do go out with someone else, i feel guilty because all i am thinkin about is my ex..
he doesnt make you feel all warm and happy, when you feel you just wana hug and say cute things to eachother and just hug and kiss.
Sorry bout the whole name thing...i really am...its that im really bare with me plz.
hey i saw u dis morning with samantha and u might of seen me. yup.
i dont think at least.....
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